Canada announces new immigration streams in response to the war in Ukraine

Canada announces new immigration streams in response to the war in Ukraine

Canada is home to over 1.4 million Ukrainians, and so naturally is hoping to assist Ukraine in its current crisis.

New immigration streams for both temporary and permanent residency are being introduced, enabling Ukrainians to move to Canada and obtain an open work permit. There will be no upper limit on how many people from Ukraine can apply.

The Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel will allow Ukrainians wishing to move to Canada temporarily a suitable pathway for doing so, pending background checks and security screening.
IRCC have said that further details on other pathways into Canada from Ukraine will be detailed in the coming days and weeks.

The Canadian government has stated that that during these times of need, IRCC is now prioritizing applications for those living in Ukraine who want to travel to Canada for immigrate, work or study. Priority is also being given to the processing of travel documents for Canadian citizens and their families who want to return to Canada from Ukraine.

These unprecedented measures means that there may be delays to processing applications from other immigration pathways.

To read the full news annoucnement from the official IRCC newsroom then visit..

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